- Fill your bathtub and other water tight containers with water in advance of the storm’s arrival should water service is disrupted
- Conserve water for essential needs
- If you are asked to evacuate or if you decide to evacuate, consider closing your home’s main water shut off valve.
New Jersey American Water is closely monitoring the developments of the path of Hurricane Joaquin and is implementing all necessary emergency preparation measures including: backing up power sources, storing fuel for fleet vehicles, and securing and placing sandbags at facilities that are flood prone.
In the event of worsening weather conditions due to Hurricane Joaquin, customers will find service updates and may post any questions at www.fb.com/njamwater.
New Jersey American Water asks its customers to adhere to state and local guidelines and exercise all safety measures before, during, and after the hurricane.
New Jersey American Water provides water and/or wastewater services to approximately 2.5 million people in New Jersey.
More information can be found by visiting www.amwater.com
For updates on storm issues in Morris County, please visit: http://www.morrisoem.org/MCUrgent.asp