
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Be a Friend to Democracy: Become a Morris County Poll Worker and Help Ensure the Right to Vote

Morris County elections officials are looking for a few good men and women – to help in the electoral process as poll workers in all 39 Morris County towns, starting in this year’s Nov. 3 general election.

New poll workers will be partnered with more seasoned poll veterans this year at some of the county 396 polling places, and could gain enough experience in elections over the next 14 months to become valued poll workers in the nation’s president election in 2016. And you could make $200 per day in the process.

“We are always looking for smart, interested people who have the time and desire to take part in the elections process,’’ said County Board of Elections Administrator Dale Kramer. “It’s not always an easy job, but it certainly is a key one in our democratic process.’’

How do you become a Morris County poll worker?
  • You must live in Morris County.
  • You must be a registered voter.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must be able to read and write in English.
  • You must take a two-hour mandatory training class, as required by state law.
 There are a series of six training classes that will be conducted in October at the Morris County Public Safety Academy in Parsippany. You can choose the day that is most convenient for you. Once an individual has completed the training, he or she will be been assigned to work at the polls.
Election workers must report to assigned polling places at 5:15 a.m. on Election Day and prepare for voting, which starts at 6 a.m. Workers must also help close polling locations at or about 8 p.m.
What are poll workers required to do for $200?
  • Verify that voters are registered in the district
  • Maintain order at the polls
  • Demonstrate the voting process to voters upon request.
 For more information on becoming a poll worker or signing up for poll worker classes, including online classes, visit:, or call 973-285-8350.